Nasib kita

Assalamulaikum w.s.t
Aku tertanya mengapa aku perlu berusaha untuk mendapatkan sesuatu padahal kn smua tu telah ditetapkan oleh Allah, jd biar je lah Allah yg tentukan.soalan ini telah aku ajukan pada kawan aku.Lalu dia berkata,mmg lah nasib tu Allah tentukan tapi ko tahu ke ape yang Allah telah tentukan untuk ko??aku terdiam sejenak memikirkan soalan yang di tanya balik oleh kawan ku kepada ku.Dengan confiedent aku jawab,mestilah aku x taw,aq bukan ade kuasa ape2 pon yg boleh tahu ape yang akan berlaku pada masa hapadan.kenapa ko tanye soalan nie kt aq??ko taw ke ape yang akan jd pd masa hadapan nti??dia pon kate aq pon x tahu.habis tu ape yg cuba hendak ko sampaikan pd aku sebenarnya nie??soal aku kepada kawan ku..Lalu dia jawab yang tahu smua nie adalah Allah sahaja.jd disebabkan kita x tahu lah kita kene berusaha untuk menentukan masa hadapan kita.walaupun kita tahu kita hanya mampu merancang tp Allah yg Allah ada Berfirman dalam Al-quran:aku tidak akan ubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu,melaikan mereka yang mengubahnye sendiri.Di sini,kita dapat tahu bertapa pentingnya usaha dalam hidup kita.Lg satu kawan saya berpesan kita boleh ubah nasib kita dengan berdoa,jd berdoalah kepada Alah dengan sebenar-benar doa,kerana kita tidak tahu bila doa kita kan dimakbulkan.aku kurang megerti apa yang cuba dia sampaikan kepada ku.lantas dia membuat dua situasi

situasi pertama
cuba ko bayangkan ko tengah berborak dengan kawan ko,tetibe kawan ko kate  kt ko bodoh la ko nie.

situasi kedua
perbualan yang sama tp kawan ko x kate ko bodoh,sebaliknya dia kate ko pandai.

Di sini kita dapat tahu,perkataan bodoh dan pandai ini adalah satu doa.kembali kepada tajuk perbincangan kita yg diatas td."kita tidak tahu bila Allah makbulkan doa kita".ape yg aku cuba sampaikan di sini ialah aku takut.bile kawan ko kate kt ko bodoh.tetibe Allah  makbulkan doa kawan ko tu.ssh ko jdnye.buat benda semua x kne.
lain la dengan situasi kedua,kawan ko kate kt ko pandai la ko nie.tetibe Allah makbulkan doa kwan ko.jd ko pon tros  jd seorang yang pandai.Allahamdulillah sebab itu dtg kn manfaat kepada ko.

kesimpulnya disini,ape yang aku paham drpd hasil penrangan kawan ku kepda ku td,ialah kita tidak tahu ape yang Allah tentukan untuk kita,"jadi buat je."  yang selebihnya adalah urusan Allah.Yang kedua,hendaklah berhati-hati dlam setiap percakapan yang kita ucapakan.kerana percakpan itu adalah satu doa.


Let protect our earth
The environment is God's gift that is invaluable to the well-being of life. Humans depends on the natural resources of the earth. God has created the universe and to the prosperity human balanced. Wide earth turned into human dwellings, mountains as cookers earth, plants as a source of food and medicine to life, as is the wide range of animals and creatures in the ocean. Uncontaminated environment gives us a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. In addition to providing comfort to humans, it is also to some extent be affected by the activities of the development environment in the country if we do not properly cared for.

Help me to save our earth
word of  Allah
Corruption doth appear on land and sea because of (the evil) which men's hands have done, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return. Say (O Muhammad, to the disbelievers): Travel in the land, and see the nature of the consequence for those who were before you! Most of them were idolaters.
                                                                                                                                      sura ar rum  41-42

help me take care of our planet for our grandchildren
Allah commands us to preserve and protect the planet. that no destruction of the earth.
Prophet Muhammad once said :Cleanliness is part of faith

Let green our earth

let's replant trees to protect earth
Trees offer many environmental benefits.
Trees reduce the urban heat island effect through evaporative cooling and reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches parking lots and buildings. This is especially true in areas with large impervious surfaces, such as parking lots of stores and industrial complexes.
Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.
Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe.
Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.
Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

Don’t use plastic bags
Environmental Damage
Threat To Animal Life                                            


Together we save our earth

And each one hath a goal toward which he turneth; so vie with one another in good works. Wheresoever ye may be, Allah will bring you all together. Lo! Allah is Able to do all things
                                                                                                                                           sura al-baqarah

8. The Malaysia government could learn a lot from Japan 2011 tsunami.

In Malaysia, we pay less attention on the important aspects. For example the Government of Malaysia should learn a lot from the Japanese tsunami due to take early prevention before occurrence of natural disasters.However there three main factors the Malaysia government learn a lot from Japan namely, emergency plans, sharing information and tsunami warning system.
The first thing is about emergency plans. We should have a plan before the desired time something is going on in Malaysia.Example, if there is something that happens we already have a plan to solve the problems that will happen easily and not panic when it happens .So, we must prepard something before happen.
The second thing is sharing information. Beside that, we must collect anything information about natural disasters that occur outside the country because we need that information to ready for something bad happen for our country.So, we need share information we have with everyone to they ready.
The last thing is tsunami warning system. We don’t know when the natural disaster happen but we could do something before that something happen. Example, we can bulid tsunami warning system in our country for ready from another happen.
Conclusion, we must ready from bad thing happen in our country and not become panic when that things happen in our country because we prepared to do .

7. V-blogging or video blogging.

V-blogging or video blogging is a form of blog for which the medium is video and is a form of web televion.In Malaysia, v-blogging or video blogging be a trade and was known among lovers blog. However there three main factor do the V-blogging or video blogging namely leisure, business and communication.
The first is about leisure. Those interested in video blogging to hang out there than do the non-beneficial by teenagers nowadays. They use leisure time do the video blogging and share with thie friend. They also can do the video blogging with they friends.
The second is about business. With the video blogging they can make business. Example, the make some advertisement about they company, product and quality the product and show the video to the public and attract them to buy the product you're selling.So with video blogging also you’ll can make some pocket money.
The last is about communication. Communication is someone talk with another person to share something interesting story. In v-blogging could also communicate with many friends and can make them become our friends. We also can understand many language with di v-blogging.
Conclsion, v-blogging very useful for our life to make friend, money and other thing we thinks important.So, we must use the v-blogging properly.

6. Dictionary is essential in language learning

Dictionary is a book that contains a list of the words in the language in the order of the alphabet and tells you what they mean. When we need find the meaning, we must find the meaning in dictionary and we find what the meaning we need.However there three main factors the dictionary is essential in language learning namely, spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation
Firstly is about spelling. We all know, when we learn about English language the first step is know the spelling. When we know the spelling we can speak slow and understand the meaning. We also can write with the spelling word we know and another ways we can spelling like the sing children song because we can spelling the easy word.
Secondly is about vocabulary. Vocabulary is all the words that we know or that are used in a particular book. Vocabulary also one of the most important things to learn english because vocabulary can make we speak correctly with use the right vocabulary. When we know vocabulary and the meaning, we can talk with english language correctly.
Lastly is pronunciation, we must always practice to use a good pronunction so that no one purpose and not be angry with the language we use to communicate with them. Accurate pronunciation exact meaning in every sentence we say.
Conclusion, we should use dictionary very well because in dictionary many meaning and bring something useful for our life to use the dictionary. We must bring dictionary when we enter the english classroom.

5. The disadvantages of such programmes television.

Television entertainment program is available on the television for all people who favored television entertainment. In Malaysia, many television program likely singer audition, anime, movie, drama and other entertainment. However there three main factors the disadvantages of such television programmes namely, escapism, waste of time and waste of money.
Firstly, the disadvantages of such television programmes is escapism. Many television program escapism for statement. Example, television program not follow standard provided. Also they always show the wrong statement and they fired up a story so that they can improve populority among society.
Secondly, the disadvantages of such television programmes is waste the time. When someone watching television, they will forget and complacent to do a proper job, especially childrens and teenagers. Children always watch cartoon or anime, reach them complacent to make school work given by the teacher. When they go school and their teacher ask to send they homework, they all say no finshed the homework because watching television.
Lastly, the disadvantages of such television programmes is waste of money. Some tevision programmes has to pay the bil likely astro channel. Also they waste money to pay electrice bill because too long watching television.
Conclusion, we should be good at dividing that moment wasted time can be used and not just look at the television program without taking cerite good in a watch and just see entertainment only.

4. Why this crime seems rampant nowadays.

Crime something which is illegal and which people are punished. In Malaysia, we always heard many crime such as stealing, snatching, murder and others.However there three main factors why the crime seemms rampant nowadays namely, habit, poverty, and peer pressure.
The why this crime seems rampant nowadays beacause habit. When someone always do the crime, they become habits to commit a crime. They thinks not have work to they do other than crime. So,they take easy ways to get money like do shoplifting and they hurt innocent person. They also do not mind the punishment to be imposed.
      Beside that, poverty is also an issue of why extended theft in our country now. They thinks when they not have poverty, they have only one ways to get money likely the thief and other crime to get money.They not thinks about self and they family who worry about their condition. They just think, when get money they can enjoy and fun with they money get. They also can become arrogant with they self.
Furthemore, peer presure also be the cause of why the crime in our country. We always heard, we must choice a good friends not a friend who brought us to do criminal. Also, we should choice friend careful so we do not follow their behavior.
Conclusion, we not should do crime because when we do that we always thinks about that and want to do that thing again. Also, we should thinks people we love and always bring the self to God.

3. The advantages of continuing your studies after SPM.

SPM is the acronym for the Certificate Malaysia.SPM taken lessons at the age of a person aged 17 tahun.SPM must take to determine the future of someone. Sometime they thing SPM not important for their life and they just not care about their result.
 However there three main factor the advantages of continuning your studies after SPM namely, high motivation, financial support from parents, and friends from the same ages group.

The advantages of continuing your studies after SPM is must have a high motivation because when we not have high motivation, we cannot through ways to IPTA motivation and confidence to be the best student.

Beside that, the advantages of continuing your studies after SPM is financial support from parents.When we continue our studies, our parents bear all we need to get into a IPTA or IPTS. Also, we always get allowances from our parents to buy food and print our work. So, we don’t worry when we studies because our parents give financial to us.

Another advantages of continuing your studies after SPM is friends from the same ages group. When we get in to IPTA or IPTS, we can meet many friends from any state, culture and the important is the same ages group. Example, we can see different languanges likely when we have friend from penang, kelantan or other state, we can hear they diaelek when they speak.

Conclusion, advantages to continue our studies is very good for our future and get the good work. We also can help our parents, when we get the good result for our studies and be useful person.

2. The benefits f doing presentations.

In this era globalization, we can see a lot of benefits that can be obtained through presentation of activities in schools and in the universities often get extensive coverage in the mass media in our country. Accordingly, all behalf must be committed to help increase self-confidence in students through presentation of activities. The question is, do we know, what are the benefits of doing presentation activities? According to the study of human psychology in the guidance and unit counseling, one of the advantages of this presentation of activities are able to improve fluency in communication, can build self-confidence and improves social interaction in communication between people.

Proverb had said Speech is a mirror of the mind. So, it suitable with discussion about the benefits of doing a presentation is can improve fluency in communication. This is because, prior to the presentation of the activity, students will practice the information to be presented in a way memorized and understand and adapt the information in front of a mirror, so that they can give a good explanation to the public. Further, to facilitate the use of simple language and better, teens can use Microsoft PowerPoint because by using this application it easier for young people to understand and explain what they want to convey. It is evident that, the presentation of activities can improve fluency students' in communication.

At the same time, with the presentation activity can build self-confidence of youth. However, it is not easy to make ourselves always self-confidence and open-minded, but hold on a pearl said that if others can do it, why cannot we do? By being so students will be able to interact in a spontaneous and self-confident of his abilities that they have. Through the activities of this presentation can also eliminate fear and shame when you want to confronted with the public. Hereby, it is clear that that doing presentations can increase self-confidence and to secure the future for the better.
In addition, the presentation can also increase social interaction. This is because, in most instances, the activity of the presentation will be divided into several groups. Therefore, the students will be able to communicate with each member of the group to express their views for the future success of the further presentation is presented. So, this activity can give a good effect to enhance social interaction. Though collaboration group to perform the good presentation is the result of effective communication between a teammembers.

In Finally, let us together, reflect on the benefits of doing this presentation activities, God willing, you and I will be able to assess how valuable this ourselves. We are indeed a man of character. Main of character has potential and should be pursued every potential to get results. The benefit of doing presentations likely improves fluency, builds self-confidence, and improves social interaction is very important in life to make progress in the future. So make an effort to be better among the best. As the slogan says "You are the best, I'm the best, we are the best", so do the best in our life.

1. Act of charity should be encouraged among teenagers

The definition of charity is an organization that collects money to help people who are poor, sick, etc or to do work that is useful to society.Teenagers in Malaysia now rarely perform an act of charity and often waste of time doing thing like hanging out, or other. However there three main factors of charity should be encouraged among teenagers namely, empathy, respect, and grateful.

Firstly is empathy.Empathy is how another person understand what your feeling. As a teenagers must have some empathy for someone in need. Example, when we see our friend in trouble. We must give some help and ask what they problem so they not alone to solve the problem.

Next the charity should be encouraged among teenager is respect. Respect is to show care for or pay attention. As a teenager, we must respect people older than us so they do not call it our not being shall have the sole language of the elderly. Example, we should give respect to our parents and older people
Last point is grateful. Grateful is some feeling or showing thanks for someone. We should feel grateful for what we have and do not feel greedy with what we have now. We should thank God for giving favors best.

Conclusion, we should have some empathy, respect and grateful in our life. When we have that feeling we will always do good things and be loved by people we know. So always do a good thing in your life.

MY Class Mate

he is a handsome boy,and he also a good boy,always help me,and always be a hero in our class..actually he not handsome at all..hahahahaa...

The person,always make their friend in trouble,he like enjoy,and like playinf PES.

For the first time i see him.he look like stupid person.but this is only my first saw.when i make him as my friend,know he,better and better and he have a secret talent.

i don't know much but him,but he is a person who loves to work with nonchalant.i hope one day he will change he attitude.

What i know about him,he a funny guys.and like to make me laugh.

She a good person,many of my assingment i was copy from her.even she not beautiful but when i see her face,i feel calm..HAHAHAHAHA

a cute girl,that is my fisrt saw to her.her attitude also like solihin,her more interenting to something that can make her laughing..hahahaaha

I think,she is the girl that have many secret admire,polite and humble is the one of her attitude,he always help me,when i need her help..

I want to kick her,when the first time is see her..hahahaha

The person very harmful and dangerous to me,when she try to put smile on her face i feel weird..hahah

What i know about him,he a lazy boy..when he make something he not do seriuosly..
like to take benefits on he friend.i hope he will change he attitude and become a good person one day..hahaha

The Majestic Of Baju Melayu And Baju Kurung

Assalamualaikum !
Hi, everyone !!! and good morning today i want share to you about the majestic of baju melayu and baju kurung.

Today I want to share with you all the masjestic of Baju Melayu and Baju Kurung at we beloved country, Malaysia.
In my own opinion, baju kurung and baju melayu have peculiar among the Malay community.

It is because, Baju Kurung and Baju Melayu it is symbolizes the Islamic religious community in Malaysia, besides that it also the Malay traditional clothes. 
Futhermore, it also symbolizes politeness and gentleness community in Malaysia.So, we should take advantage of majesty available to the wearing the Baju Kurung and Baju Melayu.